Pregnancy, Breastfeeding & Collagen
While the female body is designed for pregnancy, there's no argument that growing and carrying a baby can be very tough physically for some women. Alongside hormonal changes, the body must stretch and expand in extraordinary ways. We associate pregnancy with stretch marks and skin elasticity, but deeper layers such as fascia, ligaments, and muscles are all affected as the body changes.
Prevention of stretch marks, in particular, is big business, with skin care brands promoting creams and oils that claim to keep skin elastic. The truth is, no cream or oil can prevent stretch marks as they occur due to rapid expansion and weight gain which are common during pregnancy. Currently, there are no known cures or preventative methods that are guaranteed to work, but there is huge potential for the use of marine peptide collagen during pregnancy to support the skin and body of mum-to-be, and bub.
By strengthening the dermis and bolstering natural collagen and elastin stores with collagen supplementation, the skin structure is strengthened and elastic. Using peptide collagen through pregnancy and breastfeeding will also support fascia (connective tissue), ligaments, and joints as the body grows and carries excess weight and stress. The amino acid/protein content also has a positive impact on your energy levels and a healthy milk supply to make breastfeeding a little easier.
How does GLOW Youth Elixir work internally?
Youth Elixir peptide collagen is absorbed into the bloodstream and carried to cells in the body, where it sends a signal that stimulates fibroblast cells to promote the formation of new collagen. As with any supplement during pregnancy and lactation, we recommend you run it past your midwife or GP first.