1. WellBeing BE-YOU-T Awards Editors Review: Skin Care-Face Care Finalists
Ancient & Wild Beauty Elixir + Hyaluronic Acid
''Almost every morning I have a smoothie for breakfast. It has evolved into a witch’s brew of beauty benefits with added powders, vitamins, superfoods and supplements. A very welcome addition to my morning shake is Ancient & Wild’s Beauty Elixir with Hyaluronic Acid. Normally, I apply HA topically in the form of serums or moisturisers, so I was intrigued to try it as an ingestible ingredient. I’ll shed some light on the science-side of things. This powder contains marine collagen peptides and HA to feed the skin from within at a cellular level. It is intended to boost hydration, synthesize collagen, improve elasticity and promote healthier, younger looking skin. Let me tell you, it is really good stuff. On the days I added this to my smoothie blend, my skin produced far less sebum and I adopted a healthy glow (even after the night’s I’d had less than the recommended 8 hours of sleep). If you want to glow from the inside out, this is a product to seriously consider despite the price tag. I don’t know if my morning smoothies will ever be without it from now on!''
-Sophie Flecknoe, Editor
2. Prevention Magazine Best Christmas Gift Guide: featuring Youth Elixir & Pro Elixir Marine Collagen formulations.
2. Womens Health Magazine, Australia - Editors review: ''How Youth Elixir Marine Collagen has changed the beauty game''
What Australia has been missing: ''Ancient and Wild Organics are the new kids on the organic beauty block, formulating anti-aging wholefoods that work'' - Womens Health Mag
4. Marine collagen vs Bovine Collagen
5. According to Dr. Douglas Toal, a clinical microbiologist and mbg health expert, "there's good evidence that oral collagen supplementation improves skin health."
6. “At around the $2 a day price bracket, many people are willing to at least give it (collagen powder) a try to see if it works,”
7. Health Benefits of marine collagen
8. Marine skincare beauty benefits.
9. Victoria's Secret model Candice Swanepoel shares her secret to staying in shape, and her secret collagen smoothie recipe.
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